
Scalar Group Intention: Embodiment of Healing Power

Scalar Group Intention: Embodiment of Healing Power

$ 12.00

“I AM a Vibrant, Healthy Embodiment of Healing Power, Yes, I AM.” Through the power of Sai Maa’s voice along with Sacred Scalar Technology, the vibration of this affirmation penetrates deeply, serving you to embody vibrancy and healing power. The frequencies on these CDs dissolve systemic stress, allowing for deep rela

Scalar Group Intention: Embodiment of Healing Power

“I AM a Vibrant, Healthy Embodiment of Healing Power, Yes, I AM.” Through the power of Sai Maa’s voice along with Sacred Scalar Technology, the vibration of this affirmation penetrates deeply, serving you to embody vibrancy and healing power.

The frequencies on these CDs dissolve systemic stress, allowing for deep relaxation.  This creates an internal environment to allow the intention to integrate into your physiology and consciousness. Sacred Scalar Voice Analysis technology captures and analyzes more than 1.5 trillion bits of information from 15-second voice samples. This remarkable software has the capacity to transmit the power of intention through the analysis it creates.


Time:  34 minutes